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Otohime Vol.05
Introducing the image "Otohime Vol.05" in which Kumiko Sakuragi, the best girl in the history of the series, appears. When she appeared in a cute pink maid costume, she immediately unveiled her M-shaped spread legs! If you look closely, you'll see a slight stain ♪ Kumiko herself pulls her pants and her pubic hair glances ♪ Furthermore, she begins to take off her pants and is in full view! And when she takes out her razor, she shave. It has become a slippery pie bread ♪ When the scene changes and it reappears in a pink leotard costume, a series of fascinating slaughter poses! From there, water is poured and the leotard is in a state of invisibility ...! Kumiko's boldness hasn't stopped, and she's even naked. Irresistible anymore! From the second half, her eyes are nailed to Kumiko who is restrained in an M shape and shows her sausage to Kikumon. please enjoy.
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